Advanced Batch Converter does exactly what its title suggests, allowing you to easily convert multiple graphics files at the click of a button. More than that, you can also edit images directly in Advanced Batch Converter, to produce a variety of effects (resize, rotate, flip, mirror, crop, filters, watermarks, morphing effects, color enhancements etc).
The program supports 25 file formats to which you can convert: bmp, rle, dib, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, png, pcx, pbm, tga, jp2, pcc, tif, tiff, ico, jng, wbmp, wap, raw, eps, ps, pdf, wmf and emf.
The original file can be in practically any current file format, as Advanced Batch Converter has support for over 120 file types: bmp, jpg, gif, png, tif, jpeg, rle, dib, pcd, avi, icb, ico, wmf, giff, tiff, tga, pcx, scr, emf, jif, vda, jfif, rgb, afi, vst, win, cel, jpe, rgba, pic, pcc, cut, ppm, pgm, pbm, sgi, rla, rpf, psd, pdd, psp, cur, targa, bw, tar, jfi, eps (preview), int, inta, fax, jng, mng, 411, wbmp, wbm, ani, pix, thm, g3f, g3n, jp2, j2k, jpc, jpx, j2c, j, rl4, rl8, sys, tim, g3, tpi, tpic, pnm, pxm, iri, iris, rppm, rpgm, rpbm, rpxm, rpnm, rpp, crw, cr2, nef, raw, pef, raf, x3f, bay, orf, srf, mpg, mpeg, mpe, wmv, mrw, dcr, dcx, rpg, rpb, rpx, rpn, bpx and wap.
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